Pay Attention

Mercy Kinoti
1 min readOct 26, 2019


When you pay attention, you notice when a neighbour who walked straight, has a slight limp

A child who was always jovial is nolonger cheerful

A child that knew love and joy now only knows pain and disaster

A woman who wore a smile as a badge of honour, has replaced it with pain

Three lines of wrinkles are her statement on her forehead

A woman who looked forward to taking care of her family now feels like they are parasites

A man who wore determination as his signature look now wears defeat and hopelessness

A man who whistled a melody as he worked, now has his heavy breathing to keep him going

A house with four people now has three

A car that was spotless now has dents and bends

Something happened that changed all their lives in a span of twenty four hours!

